Heroine Charmee is in news after long time, but for not right reasons. Charmee and ‘Mayagadu’ producer Ravichand are mud sliding on each other. Charmee lodged complaint with MAA about harassment of producer Ravichand . On the other hand producer is complaining about heroine Charmee non co-operation in promoting the movie’ Mayagadu’.
Charmee, who is going thro tough times, took time to visit lord Balaji in Tirupati. After darshana, she spoke to reporters briefly and said 'God is there’ to prove her innocence. She didn’t answer the questions regarding 'Mayagadu’ controversy. For every question, she replied the same answer, ‘God is there’ and left.
What ever may be the reason for controversy, Producer already got enough coverage on his movie ‘Mayagadu’ which he badly looking for.
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