This year’s most anticipated film LEADER is all set to release on 11 February. Today a press meet was arranged at Taj Banjara Hotel to confirm the same. Apart from director Sekhar Kammula, Music Director Mickey J Meyer, Editor Marthand K.Venkatesh, DOP Vijay C.Kumar were present along with Leader team.
Speaking on this occasion, Sekhar Kammula told that Leader is honest and real film. He has been working on this film for more than a year and he feels that the Leader character portrayed in this film can make people to think and feel, and can bring small change to the society.
The film mainly focuses on qualities of leadership, which is told in commercial format. Also, with the agitation happening in the city it’s a perfect time for release and realizes the importance of a true leader. The music by Mickey J Meyer is rocking the chartbusters and has got positive response from the listeners. To promote the concept of leadership the team has come up with innovative merchandising stuffs like Leader T-shirts, Coffee mugs etc.
The winners of various contests can win this merchandise.
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